As the days grow shorter, the temperature drops and the air becomes crisper and drier, your skin may lose the moisture that it’s had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with during the warmer months.
This time of transition is a great time to correct any damage that has occurred in summer as well as preparing your skin for the harsh winter conditions to come.
Excess sun exposure, chlorine and salt water may have all had an effect on your skin during the summer months. Here’s to promoting restored, refreshed skin during the transeasonal months so that you can enter the harsher months feeling rejuvenated and repaired.
Moisturise and hydrate – While a lightweight moisturiser will be fine for most skin types in the summer, but when the weather begins to cool down, it is important to apply something a little heavier to prevent moisture loss. Or if you prefer a lighter moisturiser you could layer up with a hero oil, or have spot prone skin, layer up with a hydrating serum under your face cream. Look for hylauronic acid, its not actually an acid, it holds moisture within cells.
Protect with SPF – Autumn, similar to Spring is a season where tremendous UV damage can occur. We can be quick to think that when the sun isn’t as harsh and the temperature is lower that it’s also not as harmful. While UVB rays (those responsible for causing suntan and sunburn in summer) aren’t as strong, UVA rays (those that can cause skin cancer and increase the likelihood of early onset fine lines and wrinkles) are out in full force. Be sure to wear an SPF suitable to your skin type daily, year round, especially on the autumnal walks.
Exfoliate – Because certain skin types can be prone to increased sensitivity in the summer months due to heat, chlorine and sun, exfoliation should be reduced. However during the autumn months, frequent exfoliation is imperative for repairing and brightening the complexion. It’s even more important to exfoliate in winter as dead skin cells can block the absorption of hydrating ingredients in your products, preventing skin from maintaining a radiant, youthful glow.
Add retinol back into your routine – If you take a break from using retinol (Vitamin A) during the summer, now is the time to reintroduce it to your skincare routine. Retinol is basically a type of skin exfoliator from the inside out, not from the surface down like AHA’s, it works at a deeper level by increasing skin cell turnover. It can actually stimulate collagen production, smooth the surface of your skin, even out pigmentation, unblock pores and make the skin look fresh and younger. (Yes this is all actually scientifically proven)
Mix up your mask – Consider switching to a cream based mask to moisten and deeply hydrate, even an overnight mask for added morning dewy skin.
Hydrate from the inside out – While it may sound obvious, H20 is KEY! During the transeasonal months such as Spring and Autumn, our bodies may not send us as many obvious cues that signal for the need to hydrate. Always opt for room temperature (it’s easier on the digestive system). Add fruit to water, always keep a bottle with you on the go or at your desk to remind yourself to drink up! Introduce herbals teas too as a nice way to ease into the cooler weather while cleansing simultaneously. Warmer drinks are easier on the digestive system too.