We all know that to protect our skin from harsh UV rays we need to use sunscreen and so many of our day moisturisers contain UV filters as well, but are these more harmfull than a bit of sun?
British Scientists are beginning a study to look at the possibility of a link between brain diseases and nano particles from sunscreen.
This NeuroNano project will look at the effects of these particles on parkinson’s disease, and Alzheiners.
Traditionally suncreens have used Titanium dioxide and zink oxide as an effective UV filter. A lot of sunscreen products use nanosize particles which allows them to spread more easily, giving better coverage without leaving you white and streaky, these nano particles are thought to be more effective at blocking UV rays than the previous larger size, but are the other health implications more worrying?
Scientists say that there is research to sudgest that such particles have entered the brains of small animals from topical application or by entering the lungs having been breathed in. The evidence has shown that the particles can become lodged in specific parts of the brain where there are no clearance mechanisms.
The research is likely to have a huge impact on government, regulating bodies and the personal care industry.
Environmental group Friends of the Earth recently released a report suggesting that nano-based sunscreens do not increase sun protection and can also pose a number of potential health problems. Many sunscreens available on the market contain these nano particles!! So before you go smothering your self and family read up on what you are actually putting on.