Face mapping is your on-the-go skin guide! By looking at your face and knowing what issues affect which areas, you can get a better understanding of what’s happening with your skin. Your Facial Blueprint What are pimples, spots, and other skin disorders telling you about your internal health? There’s no doubt that your body is […]


Face Mapping: Understanding Your Skin’s Health

Our skin (and everything it does for us each and every day) is something we often take for granted. It is not only responsible for a huge part of our appearance and identity – it’s also the protective barrier between our bodies and the outside world. Skin barrier function plays a vital role in keeping […]


Skin barrier function – need to know

water kefir

I love discovering new, exciting products and water kefir is exactly that.  I’m always on the look out for new health and wellness food and drink– I’m passionate about good wholesome food and healthy alternatives. SO when I find something that’s both healthy and tastes great, it’s a double win. I have been turned on […]


Water kefir and its amazing benefits

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