With everything that’s going on in your 20s taking care of your skin might not be at the top of your to-do-list, however the choices you make in your twenties when it comes to your skin can create a greater impact later down the line. Trust me, I know! I think I have personally made all of these mistakes and I’m forever telling my 21 year old daughter to listen too (she’s the beauty in the pic) The skin is our largest organ of the body and our outer protector that often doesn’t receive the care and attention it needs. Here are my top tips and mistakes to avoid for skincare in your 20s.
Reducing collagen production is not something that is even on your radar, but did you know it begins to decline in mid to late twenties, the results wont be visible now, but boy will they be visible in years to come. Fine lines and wrinkles, often begining around the eyes, loss of elasticity / plumpness and general dullness is all on its way. You might also still be breaking out and spots just not calmed down and it can feel like you’re supposed to magically know all the pitfalls…. So I have put together some of my top skincare mistakes to avoid during some of the most fun years of your life. Let’s kick these bad habits now and you and your skin will thank you in the long run.
Remove your makeup every night and cleanse your skin twice a day. It really is that simple. Although this may seem like a golden rule, it’s something I know we have all been guilty of. I get it, it’s not always first thing on your mind when you get in from a night out! Equally, perhaps you ended up falling asleep after an exhausting day, I’ve certainly been there! The odd occasion is cool, but if this becomes a bad habit then that’s where
I’m going to get a bit motherly on you. Not removing your makeup can lead to a whole host of less-than-desirable side effects, including an accumulation of product build-up that can lead to clogged pores, blackheads and breakouts, dullness, patchiness and uneven skin texture. A tip for prioritising this simple step I find really helpful is to cleanse your skin as soon as you get home before settling down on the sofa but please no face wipes….just NO.
This leads me onto cleansing the skin effectively, unfortunately a simple makeup wipe, swipe and go just doesn’t and will never cut it. You need to be cleansing your face morning and evening with a proper cleansing product. End. Of. Story. You need to remove all traces of makeup and SPF (more on that later) which can lead to those nasty side effects.
If you really must, and I mean only if you are unable to access clean running water, use a facewipe, make sure it is biodegradable. A singular cleanse is perfectly fine for the AM, but your PM cleansing routine might benefit from a double cleanse, especially if you have been wearing makeup. I know we all have budget to consider but this investment in proper cleansing is worth it I’m telling you.
This next mistake is really common, I see many clients whos breakouts are made sooo much worse from jumping in the gym or barr class with their full makeup on. Ive been there too…. you decide to go the gym on the way back from work, class or meeting up with friends with a full face of makeup or frankly still wanting to look hot while working out. Exercising with makeup on can prevent the skin from sweating and releasing toxins effectively, trapping them and leading to a potential build up of bacteria. This coupled with not removing your makeup properly really can be a recipe for disaster. Simply pack some makeup remover in your bag (NOT WIPES!) so you don’t get caught out the next time you hit the gym or go for an impromptu run.
So, firstly, I know we all feel more fabulous with a golden glow, Some sun is ok, but please keep it to a minimum. I was a child of the 80”s (yes I am that old) I am now fighting a lot of the sun damage I did to myself in my teens and twenties, but at the time thinking your slightly invincible and a golden tan is far more sexy. Don’t be fooled, wrinkles and skin cancer never looked sexy on anyone.
Not wearing a broad-spectrum SPF (that protects against both harmful UVA and UVB rays) is potentially the fastest way to bring on premature ageing, skin discolouration and potentially serious skin damage in the form of cancer. With most sun damage done within the first 25 years of your life, this also doesn’t mean simply wearing it when the weather turns warmer or when on holiday. If you’re hoping for flawless skin well into old age, you’ll want to start using an SPF daily. That’s right every, single day!
SPF can easily be incorporated into your existing skincare routine by making sure its always the last product to be applied to your skin just before makeup. You can wear SPF alone or under your makeup and make sure to top up throughout the day. My best tip here is to apply a traditional liquid SPF for underneath makeup and then re-apply with a spray SPF when out and about to make sure you’re fully protected. Official guidelines recommend re-application roughly every 90 minutes to 2 hours (or more often if in water). That being said, I also love a mineral based powder and makeup that includes SPF for extra protection, just remember to not rely on these alone as its simply not enough.
I could tell you not to squeeze, but I’m fairly sure most of you will. Especially when a spot has come up to a white head, just don’t go squeezing spots on a regular basis, just when it’s an issue. Doing it wrong will make it ten times worse and last for days, possibly weeks!, it can lead to the spread of bacteria, cause inflammation, pigmentation and even potential scarring so it’s important to know how to tackle them. The best advice I can give is to just leave it alone and follow your skincare routine to allow it to resolve itself on its own terms. HOWEVER
If your going to extract the Key is to prep the skin so the sebum is soft (sounds gross) so after a warm shower or a bath, in the evening is the best time. No time for a bath or shower? You can gently steam the face first with a bowl of hot water, just make sure to be careful! Make sure skin is clean. If you do this in the evening then you have 8 hrs of sleep for excess redness to calm down .A pre-soaked acid toner cotton pad can work wonders on reducing the blemish’s size and redness. Simply press and hold over the spot for a few seconds, turn over and repeat.
If you really can’t suppress the urge to squeeze a spot make sure your hands are thoroughly clean, wrap some clean tissue around the forefinger of each hand. Place your fingers on either side making sure to give yourself enough space either side of the spot, a common mistake is going too close with your fingers! Make sure you can still see it and gently push downwards first and then up in a smooth motion. When the white stops, STOP! Ideally apply an antibacterial serum or toner over the top to help, its also helpful to glide over with an ice cube for a few seconds to help takeout heat and inflammation… then walk away from the mirror and leave it well alone!
Lifestyle factors play a huge part in the appearance of our skin. During your twenties it’s so important to recognise what affects your lifestyle and a balanced diet has on the skin. Processed food, fast food, consuming excessive amounts of sugar, alcohol, fizzy drinks, sweets all can take their tole on your body but also your skin. Making sure to reduce your caffeine intake, dont get into the habit of a daily latte or capuchino this isn’t going to be great for your complexion, breakouts, dark circles and general skin glow.
Also, incredibly important is drinking enough water. If you’re not getting the minimum of two litres a day, more if you’re regularly working out, the lack of hydration makes the skin look dry and dull. Dry skin has less resilience and is more prone to wrinkling. Finally, smoking. Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, which displaces the oxygen in your skin, and nicotine which reduces blood flow, leaving your skin dry and discoloured. It also depletes many nutrients, including Vitamin C, which helps to protect and repair skin damage. Smoking really is the kryptonite for skincare, take my advice and quit. This includes vaping, those chemicals are unregulated, not researched and really are showing to be more deadly than was originally thought. So please do yourself your body and your skin a favour and stop.
As much as its important to have a skincare routine that you can apply consistently, it’s just as important not to over-do things! Although its crucial to give your skin a good cleanse twice a day, a common mistake in your twenties is going a little overboard. Cleansing too much or using a cleanser with a high alcohol content, or using waaay too many AHA acid type products, can interfere with your skin’s epidermis, by stripping it of its protective natural oils and balance of healthy bacteria. Basically you are risking creating skin issues, sensitivity and spots that you don’t naturally have by messing up your skin’s barrier function. So calm it down and don’t go in all guns blazing.
Another common mistake is adopting a ten step skincare routine which you really don’t need. Keep things simple and effective by creating a routine that you’ll actually stick to. Always remember, too much of a good thing is often a bad thing, like chocolate and wine… well everything in balance obviously.
Another common mistake is adopting a ten step skincare routine which you really don’t need. Keep things simple and effective by creating a routine that you’ll actually stick to. Always remember, too much of a good thing is often a bad thing, like chocolate and wine… well everything in balance obviously.
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