How often do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed? Every month? Every week? Maybe even everyday? It’s something we’re made to feel like is part of our everyday lives – but why should it be?
It would be great if our lives could be perfectly harmonious but that’s a slightly unrealistic aim. So with that in mind here’s some tips to help you manage your stress better – I’d love to hear your tips too!
- Meditate – Just a few minutes a day can really help to ease anxiety and stress – start by just focusing on breathing in and out. I find it helps to set a timer for 5 minutes; later you can increase this to ten or 15 minutes.
- Breathe – Proper breathing will help you feel calmer, more grounded and more mindful of the present moment. When I feel stressed, I like to give myself a five-minute break from whatever is bothering me and focus instead on breathing.
- Laugh – You’d be amazed how helpful laughing can be. When we laugh, we release happy hormones, making the body feel relaxed.
- Have a massage – It can ease muscle tension and stimulates nerve endings within the skin to send mental ‘relax’ messages to the brain.
- Take some ‘me’ time – Get outside for a walk, run a warm bath, sit in the park or do a yoga class. Just make sure you put away all digital devices and go somewhere you won’t be disturbed.
You can find out more about stress and how it affects your skin in my new book available to buy now.