Modern life can be at such a pace not many of us escape some level of stress, this can manifest in many different ways, irritable bowl, migraine, irregular sleep patterns, skin breakouts, eczema the list goes on. There is no denying a mind body and skin connection,  on a physical level nerve endings are connected […]

Life & Style

Stress & skin health

There is a long standing knowledge that the brightly coloured spice Turmeric, part of the ginger family has many health benefits and has been utilised as a key ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, mainly its amazing anti-inflammatory properties, but what else is turmeric amazing for?   Turmeric has a long list of skin benefits including […]


Turmeric for skin health

Happy New Year

With the drop in temperature outside the central heating goes up inside, reducing the humidity within your home resulting in dehydration, not good for our skins health. I have personally noticed my skin become drier and even slightly sensitive and I have had to make a few changes to what I am doing during these […]


Winter skin health

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